воскресенье, 29 октября 2017 г.

YoBit freecoin script

This script will not automate free coins collection on YoBit. It just clears already received coins.

var table = document.getElementById("freecoins_table");
for (var i = 1, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
  string = document.getElementById("freecoins_table").rows[i].cells.item(2).innerHTML;
  if (string.search("countdown green") > 1 )  {
    currency = document.getElementById("freecoins_table").rows[i].cells.item(0).innerHTML;
    console.log('found one!');
  } else {
If you want to filter list to specific coins, use this script. Specify currencies in "currs" array.

var currs = ["BTC", "LTC", "RUR", "USD", "OPAL", "NMC", "PAC", "PWR", "ASAFE", "ETH", "ZEC", "DOGE", "CANN", "LSK"];
var foundCurrency = false;
var table = document.getElementById("freecoins_table");
for (var i = 1, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
  string = document.getElementById("freecoins_table").rows[i].cells.item(2).innerHTML;
  if (string.search("countdown green") > 1 )  {
    currency = document.getElementById("freecoins_table").rows[i].cells.item(0).innerHTML;
    foundCurrency = false;
    for (var j = 0; j < currs.length ; j++) {
      if (currency.search(currs[j]) > 1 ) {
        foundCurrency = true;
    if (!foundCurrency) {
      console.log('found one!');
  } else {

понедельник, 8 мая 2017 г.

Univeral BustaBit bot

Here is an universal BustaBit bot supporting following strategies:

  1. Martingale,
  2. Paroli,
  3. D’Alembert,
  4. Pluscoup

Bot has security settings and random break function. Read comments for configuration
//[WARNING] Use this script at your own risk, nobody is responsible if you lose money on bustabit when you use this bot.

var GameMode = 1;    //Default: 1  1 = Martingale, 2 = Paroli, 3 = D’Alembert, 4 = Pluscoup
var MaxProfitMode = false;  //Default: true  If this setting is true, you will always bet ("PercentOfTotal" / 100 * your balance), if this setting is false you will just bet your BaseBet.
var PercentOfTotal = 0.1;  //Default: 1  If MaxProfitMode is true, your BaseBet will always be ("PercentOfTotal" / 100 * your balance). Default 0.1% of your total balance.
var BaseBet = 1;    //Default: 100  This is the value of your first bet (in bits).
var Multiplier = 2.0;    //Default: 2.0  This is the multiplier where the bot will stop (not on all game modes!).
var dalembert = 1;    //Default: 1  When you play D'alembert you will raise your bet after a loss or lower your bet after a win with this amount.
var MaxBet = 1000000;   //Default: 1000000 The bot will never bet more than this amount (in bits).
var MaxProfit = 100000;   //Default: 100000 The bot will stop when your total balance is higher that this value (in bits).
var MaxLoss = 25000;   //Default: 25000 You will never lose more than this amount (in bits). If a bet would exceed this amount, the bot stops automatically.
var RandomBreak = 10;   //Default: 0  Before the bot places a bet it generates a random number between 0 and 100, if that number is lower than "RandomBreak" the bot will take a break for 1 game. (This will not happen on a loss streak )

// Don't change anything below this if you don't know what you are doing!
var Username = engine.getUsername();
var StartBalance = engine.getBalance();
var CurrentGameID = -1;
var FirstGame = true;
var CurrentBet = BaseBet;
var CurrentMultiplier = Multiplier;
var d = new Date();
var StartTime = d.getTime();
var LastResult = "WON";
var Break = false;
// Check previous bet
var LastBet = 0;
var LastProfit = 0;
var NewProfit = 0;
// Paroli variable's
var ParoliRound = 1;
var ParoliGame = 1;
var StartBet = BaseBet;
// Pluscoup variable's
var Unit = 1;
var SessionProfit = 0;
var MaxSessionProfit = Multiplier - 1; 

// Paroli Confirm dialog to set Multiplier to X2.0.
if(GameMode == 2){
 if (confirm("[BustaBot] Paroli is currently only available with the multiplier set to X2.0") == true) {
       // Do nothing and continue with the script.
    console.log('[BustaBot] Multiplier set to X2.0');
    } else {
  // Canceled Paroli mode, bot stopped.
        console.log('[BustaBot] Canceled paroli mode on multiplier X2.0');

// D'alambert Confirm dialog to set Multiplier to X2.0.
if(GameMode == 3){
 if (confirm("[BustaBot] D'alambert is currently only available with the multiplier set to X2.0") == true) {
       // Do nothing and continue with the script.
    console.log('[BustaBot] Multiplier set to X2.0');
    } else {
  // Canceled Paroli mode, bot stopped.
        console.log('[BustaBot] Canceled D alambert mode on multiplier X2.0');

// Welcome message
console.log('[BustaBot] Welcome ' + Username);
console.log('[BustaBot] Your start ballance is: ' + (StartBalance / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');

//check if the multiplier is 1 or higher.
if(Multiplier < 1){
 console.log('[BustaBot] Your multiplier must be 1.0 or higher.');

if(GameMode < 1 || GameMode > 4){
 console.log('[BustaBot] Select a game mode between 1 and 4.');

// Start of a game.
engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
 CurrentGameID = info.game_id;
 console.log('[BustaBot] Game #' + CurrentGameID + ' started.');
 var random = randomNumber(1,100);
 if(random < RandomBreak){
  console.log("Taking a break this round.");
  Break = true;
 if(Break == false){
  if(MaxProfitMode == true){
   BaseBet = Math.round((PercentOfTotal / 100) * (engine.getBalance() / 100).toFixed(2));
  if (LastResult == 'LOST' && !FirstGame) { // Check if you lost the last game
   if(GameMode == 1){// Martingale
    NewProfit = LastBet + LastProfit;
    CurrentBet = Math.round((NewProfit / LastProfit) * LastBet);
    CurrentMultiplier = Multiplier;
   if(GameMode == 2){// Paroli
    CurrentMultiplier = 2;
    CurrentBet = StartBet;
    console.log('[BustaBot] Paroli Round: ' + ParoliRound + ' Game: ' + ParoliGame);
   if(GameMode == 3){// D’Alembert
    CurrentMultiplier = 2;
    CurrentBet = LastBet + dalembert;
   if(GameMode == 4){// Pluscoup
    SessionProfit = SessionProfit - Unit;
    CurrentBet = LastBet;
    CurrentMultiplier = Multiplier;
  else { // If won last game or first game
   if(GameMode == 1){// Martingale
    CurrentBet = BaseBet;
    CurrentMultiplier = Multiplier;
   if(GameMode == 2){// Paroli
    CurrentMultiplier = 2;
    if(ParoliGame == 1){
     StartBet = BaseBet;
     CurrentBet = StartBet;
    if(ParoliGame == 2){
     CurrentBet = LastBet * 2;
    if(ParoliGame == 3){
     CurrentBet = LastBet * 2;
    console.log('[BustaBot] Paroli Round: ' + ParoliRound + ' Game: ' + ParoliGame);
   if(GameMode == 3){// D'alambert
    CurrentMultiplier = 2;
     CurrentBet = LastBet - dalembert;
   if(GameMode == 4){// Pluscoup
    CurrentMultiplier = Multiplier;
    if(SessionProfit >= MaxSessionProfit)
    StartBet = BaseBet;
    SessionProfit = 0;
    Unit = 1;
     Unit ++;
     while((((Unit * Multiplier) - Unit) + SessionProfit) > MaxSessionProfit){
      Unit = Unit - 1;
    if(FirstGame){ Unit = 1; StartBet = BaseBet;}
    if(Unit < 1){
     Unit = 1;
     StartBet = BaseBet;
    CurrentBet = Unit * StartBet; 
  //check if current bet is 0 or negative
  if(CurrentBet < 1){
   CurrentBet = 1;
  //Check if a Paroli round is finished and start new round for the next bet.
  if(ParoliGame == 4){
   ParoliGame = 1;
  // First game is set to false.
  FirstGame = false;
  // Changing last result
  LastResult = "LOST";
  if(((engine.getBalance() / 100) - CurrentBet) < ((StartBalance / 100) - MaxLoss)){
   console.log('[BustaBot] This bet would Exceed Your maximum loss, the bot will stop now... ');
   if (CurrentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Check if the balance is high enough to place the bet.
    if (CurrentBet > (MaxBet)) { // Check if the bet is higher than the given maximum bet by the user.
     console.warn('[BustaBot] Current bet exceeds your maximum bet. Your bet is changed to: ' + (MaxBet) + ' bits');
     CurrentBet = MaxBet;
    console.log('[BustaBot] Betting ' + (CurrentBet) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + CurrentMultiplier + 'x');
    engine.placeBet(CurrentBet * 100, Math.round(CurrentMultiplier * 100), false);
    LastBet = CurrentBet;
    LastProfit = (CurrentBet * CurrentMultiplier) - CurrentBet;
   else { // Not enough balance to place the bet.
    if (engine.getBalance() < 100) { // Stop the bot if balance is less then 100 bits.
     console.error('[BustaBot] Your account balance is to low to place a bet.... BustaBot will close now.');
    else { // Changes basebet to 1 if balance is to low to make the current bet.
     console.warn('[BustaBot] Your balance is to low to bet: ' + (CurrentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
     BaseBet = 1;

engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
    if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
      console.log('[BustaBot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
   SessionProfit = SessionProfit + (Unit * MaxSessionProfit);
   if(((engine.getBalance() - StartBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) > MaxProfit){
  console.log('[BustaBot] Maximum profit reached, bot is shutting down...');
  console.log('[BustaBot] You have made '+((engine.getBalance() - StartBalance) / 100).toFixed(2)+' profit this session.');
   LastResult = "WON";

engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
 var newdate = new Date();
 var timeplaying = ((newdate.getTime() - StartTime) / 1000) / 60;
 if(Break == false){
  console.log('[BustaBot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); 
  console.log('[BustaBot] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - StartBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits in ' + Math.round(timeplaying) + ' minutes.');
 } else{
  Break = false;

function randomNumber(min,max)
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);

четверг, 30 марта 2017 г.

Why does amount of payout at freebitco.in halves?

Freebitco.in (and its sister site freedoge.co.in) are the most reliable and trustworthy bitcoin faucets. But some users could eventually see the significant drop in payout for 0 - 9885 numbers. Amount of payout for these numbers halves, while other payouts for larger lucky numbers are seems to be OK.

I suppose that there is a problem with Multiply section of this site. When the amount wagered in this section drops below some level, site halving you payout. The solution is to try to multiply (or, at least, not lose) your satoshis or doges.

I use classic Martingale settings for that:

But you could try with lower odds and lower lottery payouts - you will lose less more than it is possible on above mentioned settings (same as described here). And, after some amount wagered, you free btc/doge payout will increase to normal level. Also, you will get some reward points at Freebitco.in

Have a nice play! What freebitco.in strategy multiply game do you prefer?

суббота, 24 декабря 2016 г.

How to level up your rollin.io account?

Rollin.io bitcoin casino is standing out of myriads of others due to its level system. Higher level allows you to claim more of the site's faucet (500 satoshi on level 2 to 15000 satoshi on level 11) and reduces site's edge, so you could win more!
But the question is how to level up your account? Basically, on level 1 faucet gives you 100 satoshi only - it is seems unreal to wager required 500 mBTC for 2nd level.
However, there is a strategy that allows you to maximize wager and get your level up faster. The key is to bet minimum (to reduce probability of busting up) amount at higher possible win chance. Sounds complicated? Not at all. If you have some spare bitcoins (5 mBTC should be enough to reach 2nd level) - just set up the robot with base bet of 0.00099 mBTC and bet for numbers lover than 98. Here is how:

If you do not want to invest money, you could invest your time. I've prepared a special script for you. To run it, copy following code and paste it into your browser JavaScript console (in Chrome, press Ctrl+Shift+I and go Console tab). Script will wait for satoshis on your account and will place bet according to the above strategy. Just claim free bitcoins on faucet and it will start betting!


Rollin.io betting bot. Use carefully! More on http://playforbitcoin.blogger.com


var balance = parseFloat(document.getElementsByClassName("balance")[0].innerText);
var betcount = 0;
var betamount = 0;
var totalbet = 0;
var bet = 0;
var chance = 1;
console.log('Starting balance is ' + balance);
var previousBalance = balance;
Better = setInterval("roll()", 1500);

function roll() {
    balance = parseFloat(document.getElementsByClassName("balance")[0].innerText);
    if (balance > 1) {
    } else
    if (balance > 0) {
        if (balance >= 0.00099) {
              chance = 1;
              bet = 0.00099;
        else if (balance >= 0.00049) {
              chance = 2;
              bet = 0.00049;
        else if (balance >= 0.00032) {
              chance = 3;
              bet = 0.00032;
        else if (balance >= 0.00024) {
              chance = 4;
              bet = 0.00024;
        else if (balance >= 0.00019) {
              chance = 5;
              bet = 0.00019;
        else if (balance >= 0.00016) {
              chance = 6;
              bet = 0.00016;
        else if (balance >= 0.00014) {
              chance = 7;
              bet = 0.00014;
        else if (balance >= 0.00012) {
              chance = 8;
              bet = 0.00012;
        else if (balance >= 0.0001) {
              chance = 9;
              bet = 0.0001;
        else if (balance >= 0.00009) {
              chance = 10;
              bet = 0.00009;
        else if (balance >= 0.00008) {
              chance = 12;
              bet = 0.00008;
        else if (balance >= 0.00007) {
              chance = 13;
              bet = 0.00007;
        else if (balance >= 0.00006) {
              chance = 15;
              bet = 0.00006;
        else if (balance >= 0.00005) {
              chance = 17;
              bet = 0.00005;
        else if (balance >= 0.00004) {
              chance = 20;
              bet = 0.00004;
        else if (balance >= 0.00003) {
              chance = 25;
              bet = 0.00003;
        else if (balance >= 0.00002) {
              chance = 33;
              bet = 0.00002;
        else {
          chance = 50;
          bet = 0.00001;

        document.getElementById('bet_amount').value = bet;
        betamount += bet;
        document.getElementById('bet_number').value = chance;
        console.log('Balance ' + balance + ' Bet ' + bet + ' chance ' + chance);
        previousBalance = balance;
    else {
        if (betcount != 0) {
            totalbet += betamount;
            console.log(betcount + ' bets made, ' + betamount + ' wagered (total of ' + totalbet + ')');
            betcount = 0;
            betamount = 0;
            firstbet = true;